GET /api/v2/call/{id}
Retrieve detailed information for a single call. Result Code
200 | OK |
401 | Unauthorized |
404 | Call not found |
406 | SSL must be used |
500 | Server Error |
Result Body
id | The unique call id. This will be needed when calling other api functions. |
startdatetime | The time that the call began. The time is reported in the timezone configured for the authenticated user. |
startdatetimeutc | The time that the call began. The time is reported as UTC. |
type | The type of call. Either ‘recorded’, ‘discarded’, ‘unanswered’ or ‘uploading’. |
typediscardedreason | If the call was discarded, an explanation of the reason. |
answerdelayms | If the call was recorded, the delay in milliseconds between ringing and answer. |
direction | The direction of the call. Either ‘incoming’, ‘outgoing’, ‘internal’ or ‘unknown’. |
durationseconds | The duration of the call in seconds. |
caller |
destination |
subject | The subject of the call. |
rating | The rating of the call. Values are in the range of 0 – 5. |
tags | An array of selected tags. |
audiourl | A url containing the location of the audio. |
audiocontenttype | The mime content type of the audio. e.g. ‘audio/mpeg’ or ‘audio/wav’. |
audiolengthbytes | The length of the audio recording in bytes. |
audiomd5hash | The md5 hash of the call audio. This can be used to compare a reproduction at a later time for authenticity. |
Example request
Example;- GET Result;- 200 (OK) {"id":32155584,"startdatetimeutc":"2017-04-11 5:41:30","startdatetime":"2017-04-11 15:41:30","type":"recorded","typediscardedreason":"","answerdelayms":4688,"direction":"incoming","durationseconds":188,"caller":{"phonenumber":"0401111111","name":"Finance Incoming Call","macaddress":"843DC621FA44","mediaendpoint":"","keypresses":[],"sentimentanalysis":"unknown"},"destination":{"phonenumber":"0393196600","name":"Lee Smart","macaddress":"0004F2BEA5B4","mediaendpoint":"","keypresses":[],"sentimentanalysis":"unknown"},"subject":"","rating":0,"tags":[],"audiourl":"","audiocontenttype":"audio/mpeg","audiolengthbytes":565531,"audiomd5hash":"fa2b36223f6b6364f5b7aa8b6c37a226"}
Using Curl
curl "{callid}" -H "Authorization: Basic username:password | base64" -X GET