Rest API V2.1
We require that all requests are performed over SSL.
Authentication is required with every API call.
There are two ways you can authenticate an API call. Basic Auth or Token.
We use the Basic-Auth scheme
Set the “Authorization” header as base64 encoded <username>@<domain>:<password> The domain can either be provided as your full domain e.g. or just mycompany.
Example;- If you want to authorize as john@mycompany:mypassword Authorization: Basic am9obkBteWNvbXBhbnk6bXlwYXNzd29yZA==
When using the Token scheme
Set the “Authorization” header as token <token>
To retrieve a token, call the UserAuthToken with a GET verb first.
Example;- Authorization: Token cbf0133405b84f6c893e83567601c15c
By default, all results are returned in the JSON format. If you want to change this to XML, you can include an ‘Accept’ Header.
Example;- Accept: application/json or Accept: text/xml
Call represents a single call that has been recorded and stored within the CallN hosted recording solution.
GET /api/call | Search for call(s) within the search criteria. |
GET /api/call/{id} | Returns detailed information for a single call. |
PUT /api/call/{id} | Update details for a single call. This may include notes, or rating. |
DELETE /api/call/{id} | Delete a single call. |
POST /api/call | Upload a call. |
CallAudio represents the audio recording attachment for a single call.
GET /api/callaudio/{id} | Retrieve the audio recording for a single call. |
PUT /api/callaudio/{id} | Upload an audio recording for a single call. |
RecordingNode represents a single recording point. e.g. a computer with the CallN software installed.
GET /api/recordingnode | Search for recording node(s) within the search criteria. |
GET /api/recordingnode/{machinesid} | Returns detailed information for a single recording node. |
PUT /api/recordingnode/{machinesid} | Report a heartbeat from a client recording node. |
Handset represents a single handset configured within the CallN hosted recording solution.
GET /api/handset | Search for handset(s) within the search criteria. |
GET /api/handset/{id} | Returns detailed information for a single handset. |
PUT /api/handset/{id} | Update details for a single handset. This may include name or notes. |
DELETE /api/handset/{id} | Delete a single handset. |
Ping represents a heartbeat from the client computer.
Depreciated as of version 1.17.0 client
POST /api/ping | Upload a ping. |
DiagnosticFile represents an upload of a diagnostic file.
PUT /api/diagnosticfile | Upload a diagnostic file. |